Faculty Services
Library Liaison Program
Every full-time faculty member is partnered with a reference librarian, who is a designated point of contact for all things library. Liaisons reach out to faculty members at the beginning of each semester, so be looking for that email!
Faculty Reference Services
Please feel free to contact your Liaison or LawReferenceLibrarians@barry.edu for any of your library needs.
Librarian Research Lectures
Reference librarians are can present guest lectures on research to classes or clinics. We will tailor lectures to meet the needs of each course, and we can present them:
If you are teaching a seminar or paper course, think about having a librarian come into your classroom to give a targeted presentation on research. Please contact us as early as possible so that we have ample time to prepare and do your course justice.
Contact your liaison or email LawReferenceLibrarians@barry.edu if you would like to schedule a research presentation for a course.
Faculty Research Assistants
If you have a research assistant working on a project for you, we would be glad to meet with them to provide research guidance and instruction. We can instruct RAs on how to best use the library's resources, how to locate copies of materials, and research strategies, tools, and techniques.
Please put your RA in touch with your liaison, or email LawReferenceLibrarians@barry.edu to set up a meeting.
Course Reserves & Canvas
Physical Course Reserves
You can place books, DVDs, or other physical objects on reserve at the library. Reserve items are kept behind the circulation desk and are available for a four-hour checkout period. You can place library items or your own personal items on reserve. Physical materials will remain as course reserves for one semester at a time. Please contact your liaison or Access Services Librarian Megan Humphries to place items on reserve, or fill out this online form.
Digital Course Reserves
Barry University School of Law uses Canvas as the primary course management system, and every class has a Canvas page automatically created at the beginning of the semester. Digital course reserve materials should be placed in the Canvas space for the appropriate class. Any articles, cases, single chapters, and the like, should be on reserve in Canvas in digital form.
Barry University subscribes to Canvas as its online course management system, so ask your liaison or email LawReferenceLibrarians@barry.edu for a crash course on its special features.
Accessing Research Databases
All members of the Barry Law School community have access to Westlaw, LexisNexis, and Bloomberg Law, which all require separate individual passords. Please contact LawReferenceLibrarians@barry.edu to be set up with these accounts.
Some of the Library's other research databases, including HeinOnline and ProQuest, require you to access them through the library's databases page. If you are off campus, you will be asked to log into your Barry University account first, before you can access these databases.
For help with accessing or using any of the Law Library's or Main Library's databases, please reach out to your liaison.
Faculty Book/Material Request
Faculty Book/Material Purchase Form
Please fill out the above form with as much information as possible for each book or material (DVDs, etc.) you would like to request.
You will have two options:
1. Request the Law Library purchases the book or material for its collection.
2. Request the Law Library orders the book or material for your own professional development, to be paid for with your faculty development funds.
Library Liaisons
Diana Botluk, JD, MS
Associate Director and Head of Public Services
Cynthia Barnes, JD, MS
Reference Librarian,
Assistant Professor of Law Library
Kim Wilson, JD, MSIS
Reference Librarian,
Assistant Professor of Law Library