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Barry University School of Law Library: Frequently Asked Questions

The official website of the Barry University School of Law Library

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the library's hours?

The library is open 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Monday - Thursday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Friday - Saturday, and 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. on Sunday. 

Virtual Service Hours are available 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. on Monday - Thursday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. on Friday, and by appointment only on the weekend. Please email or fill out a Personal Research Consultation form for an appointment.

Law Library hours change during finals, in between semesters, and on holidays.

Visit the Hours page for changes to the schedule.

How do I check out library materials, including Course Reserves?

Reserve materials, including some study aids, course reserves, MacBook chargers, etc., are available to check out at the Circulation desk. Study aids are also available through the library's digital collection

Are notary services available in the library?

Notary services are available to Barry Law students, facutly, and staff by appointment only

Contact Terry Rogers (  to schedule an appointment. 

Please remember:

  • Bring your picture ID with signature.
  • Form MUST be filled out prior to your appointment, but NOT signed. 

There are additional notaries on campus if you are unable to schedule an appointment at the library. Visit the Notary page for more information.

How do I register for...?

LexisNexis: LexisNexis registration codes are distributed during Orientation. Go to to use the code and register for a LexisNexis account. You will receive a temporary ID and password. Next, go to and sign in with your temporary ID and password. Once you have signed in, create your permanent ID and password, as well as your personal profile.

Westlaw: Westlaw registration codes are distributed during Orientation. Go to and click on Register password now!, then click the link next to Registering for the First Time? Follow the instructions on the next few screens to complete the registration process.

Bloomberg Law: Bloomberg Law registration codes are distributed during orientation. Go to Fill in the registration form and click Submit. You will receive an email with a verification link. Once you have clicked that, you will receive a second email with access information.

CALI: CALI registration codes are distributed during orientation. Go to and click on Register. Fill out the information and click Create New Account. Ask a Law Library staff member if you need the Authorization Code.

TWEN: You must first register for Westlaw (above). Log into Westlaw and find the tab on the homepage labeled TWEN. Click the tab, then click the Add Course button. Check the boxes corresponding to the courses you want to add and click Submit.

How do I access the Law Library's online resources/databases?

To access online resources from:

  • On campus: Go straight to the Law Library website or to the Weblaw.
    Choose Law Library from the menu of Weblaw to get to the Law Library website, then Databases.

  • Off campus: Login to access Barry University online resources with your email and password. Choose Law School Library, then Databases.

Contact Information

Our Reference Librarians are available for all your research needs. Please contact them at or schedule a PERC (Student use only).

Please contact the Circulation Desk if you have any questions about reserving a library space or materials checked out to your account. 

Phone: 321-206-5700

Be sure to follow us on Instagram or like us on Facebook for all the latest library information. 

Contact Us

Phone iconPhone icon Circulation Desk: 321-206-5700

Envelope icon Circulation:

Envelope icon Reference:

 Facebook icon   Barry Law Library

 Instagram icon  @barry_law_library

 WordPress icon  Barry Law Library Blog