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Exercise Science: Home

The research guide for the exercise science students.

Contact the Library

Circulation Desk                            Check out/check-in, and renewal of library materials


Reference Desk                                     Help finding books and articles



Interlibrary Loan                                     Help with getting books/articles not available at this library



Welcome to Exercise Science Guide. This guide will help students, faculty and staff to use the resources and services provided by Monsignor William Barry Memorial Library.  If you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns please feel free to contact me.  Click on the relevant tab to get started with your research. 

Mission Statement

The mission of the Monsignor William Barry Memorial Library is to serve the Barry University students, faculty, staff, and the community. It is the intent of the library to provide access to the information needed to support and develop learning, teaching, and research.

In support of this mission, the Barry University Library integrates print and electronic resources, and provides a comprehensive program of service which allows broad access to information in all formats.

It is the aim of Library to develop, monitor and evaluate services to match changing information needs in higher education; to enable the user to understand and utilize effectively the full range of information services; to foster the acquisition of skills necessary for independence in lifelong learning; to maintain and develop relationships with other library services and institutions within the state and county; and to facilitate cooperation and collaboration.


Library Hours

Reference Desk Hours


 10 AM -  7 PM


 10  AM - 7 PM


 10  AM - 7 PM


 10  AM - 7 PM


 10  AM - 6 PM


 10 AM -  6 PM


 10 AM -  6 PM




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Welcome to the Monsignor William Barry Memorial Library!