The first step in being who God created you to be is self-discovery. Who are you? Who are you called to be? What is your personality type? What are your values, interests, skills and abilities? How can you use your gifts and talents to make a difference in the world; to give purpose and meaning to your life? The Career Development Center is here to help you to Discover Your Calling
Now that you know who you are, your personality, values, interests, and skills, it's time to begin exploring ways to use your gifts and talents to make a difference. Getting out of the classroom and into the real world to find out first-hand who you are called to be. Trying new things and reflecting on how those experiences can help you to find purpose and meaning in your life is what it means to Explore Your Calling.
3 - 2 - 1 lift-off!!!! Your journey is beginning . . . it's time to leave your mark on the world. Where you begin your journey is not where you will finish, but you will leave your legacy and your impact on others along the way. Taking what you have learned about yourself, and the experiences you have gained, have prepared you to embark on this new journey to live a life full of passion and purpose.