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Physical Sciences: Interlibrary Loan

Your online resource for Physical Sciences courses.

ILL Services Policy and Procedures

Interlibrary Loan is a service offered for books and photocopied articles not available at Barry University Library. The Interlibrary Loan office is located on the 2nd floor of the Barry University Library. Borrowing Services can be reached at 305-899-3943.


Interlibrary Loan is available to any faculty, staff, and currently enrolled student of Barry University. Barry University Alumni are ineligible for ILL services, and are encouraged to contact their nearest public library for interlibrary loan assistance.

Items owned by Barry University Library
ILL service is not available for books owned by the Monsignor William Barry Memorial Library, including books and other materials currently checked out by another patron. If you need a book which is currently checked out to another patron, the Circulation Desk will be able to hold the book for you when it is returned or recall it for you. Inquire at the Circulation Desk for details. If the book is listed in the BLISS catalog as being "lost", "missing", or "at bindery", ILL will process your request. Articles in issues of journals and magazines owned by the Barry Library are not available through ILL. Requests for articles from periodical issues which are charged out or at the bindery will be processed. 

Textbooks for classes are not available from Interlibrary Loan. 

Submitting an ILL Request

Register and Create a Username and Password
The library use a software program for ordering and processing ILL requests. This system is known as ILLiad. In order to submit an ILL request, you must first register and create a username and password for the ILLiad system. The registration form is accessed via the Library Home Page. Once a patron has registered, they can log in and use the online form to submit ILL requests. All ILL requests MUST be submitted using this form. We no longer accept hand written requests.

Limit to ILL Requests
You may submit as many requests at one time as you wish. At least 5 requests per person per day will be processed. More of your requests will be processed only depending upon the overall number of requests received. You are encouraged to prioritize your requests in the order by which you wish them processed. Contact ILL if you have any questions.

Barry University Library does not charge for ILL service. However, other lending libraries may charge a fee for services. We do ask you if you are willing to pay a charge if one is applied. You can indicate if you are willing to pay a charge and set a limit as to how much you would be willing to pay when you submit your request. If there is a charge and you have set a limit of $0, you will be notified.

Tips for Completing ILL Forms

Assitance in completing ILL Forms

If you need assistance with completing ILL forms and other ILL-related questions, please contact Interlibrary Loan Borrowing Services at 305-899-3943. For assistance with research and bibliographic verification, please call the Reference Desk at 305- 899-3772.

Provide the title, author, and publication date at the very minimum. If you need a specific edition or publisher version, please indicate this.

Photocopies of Articles:
Provide the periodical title, article author and article title, volume and issue number, date, and page numbers.

Dissertations and Thesis:
Provide the author, title, date of publication, and school where the dissertation/thesis was granted. Note: many colleges and universities do not allow these materials to be accessed via ILL. You will be notified if this occurs.

Proceedings, Conferences, Symposiums, and Congresses:
Provide the name of the organization, the name of the meeting OR the name of the work about the meeting, the author and title of the paper, date of publication, and pages.

Government Documents and Reports:
Many Government documents and reports are being made available on the Internet. You may want to do a search for these items on your favorite Internet search engine (Google, Altavista, Yahoo, etc.)

Receiving the Book or Article Requested

Processing Time for ILL Requestes
Please allow approximately 2 weeks for your material to arrive. Every reasonable effort will be made to fulfill your request in the shortest time possible. The time involved in receiving materials depends upon the accuracy of your citation, the availability of the material, and the location of the lending library.

Notification of ILL Requests
You will be notified of the arrival of your ILL requests via an e-mail to your Barry University e-mail account. All Library correspondence, including Interlibrary Loan notices, will be sent to your Barry University e-mail account only! If we are unable to fill your request, you will receive an e-mail with an explanation. If you have any questions about any e-mail correspondence from ILL, please contact Interlibrary Loan Borrowing Services at 305-899-3943.  

Receive ILL materials at an Off-Campus Location
Off-Campus students, faculty, and staff must indicate on their ILL Registration form which off-campus site they use. Books will only be sent to the official off-campus sites indicated on the Online ILL form. The books may be picked up in the administrative offices of the off-campus location. Photocopies of journal articles may also be sent to the designated off-campus site; however, they may also be mailed directly to a home or office postal address, or they may be sent as a PDF file to an e-mail address. This service is only provided to off-campus students, faculty, and staff and you must use the Online ILL form.

Books obtained through Interlibrary Loan are not owned by the Monsignor William Barry Memorial Library, and the lending library has the right to deny a renewal request, grant a renewal request, or recall the book before the due date. You may make a renewal requests by login on to your ILL/ ILLiad account.

Fines for overdue ILL books
Overdue and/or lost-book fines will be assessed on all books borrowed through ILL. The lending library will determine all overdue and lost-book fines for items that they lend. Excessive numbers of overdue ILL books may result in the blocking of further use of the ILL service. Unpaid and/or unreturned ILL books will prohibit registration and graduation until the fine has been paid or the book has been returned.

Requesting Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loan is available to current Barry University Faculty, Staff, and Students.

ATTENTION! Before using this Online Interlibrary Loan Form, make sure you have done the following:

1. Please check the BLISS Online Catalog to see if Barry University Library owns the books/journals. ILL will not process a request for items held by the library.

2. Please check Electronic Journal Directory to see if the journal is available full text, online via library databases.

ILLiad Interlibrary Loan

Barry University is now using the ILLiad Interlibrary Loan software. This software will allow you to track the status of your Interlibrary Loan requests Online. You must register and create a username and password before you can submit requests. To register, make an ILL request, or check on the status of your ILL request, please click on the following link:

Barry University Library ILL Request

If you have forgotten your password to log onto ILLiad, please send an e-mail to have your password reset.