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SOC 352 - Sociology of Immigration/Konczal: Immigration Overview

Professor Lisa Konzcal

Immigration - Dictionary of American History(Vol. 4. 3rd ed.)

Except for some 2.5 million Native Americans and Alaska natives, the 281 million persons recorded in the 2000 census are immigrants and their descendants. Some 70 million immigrants have come to what is now the United States, beginning with the Spanish settlers in Florida and New Mexico in the late sixteenth century...  Read More.

Immigration, History and Impact in Education - Ency. of Educational Leadership and Administration(Vol. 1.)

Educating immigrant children in the United States has always been a complicated and contested issue. Current trends, such as a swelling immigrant population, more ethnic diversity and the impact on schools of social and political changes begun in the 1950s, will only serve to increase these challenges...  Read More.

Immigrant Workers - Encyclopedia of Contemporary American Social Issues(Vol. 1: Business and Economy.)

Immigration policy in the United States has become a highly contentious issue, one that is likely to play an increasingly important role in affecting electoral outcomes at the local, state, and national levels. Currently, members of the U.S. Congress as well as elected public officials in locales across the country are embroiled... Read More.

Cuban Adjustment Act - Cuba (Vol. 1. )

A 1966 U.S. law regarding Cuban immigration that fed tensions between the United States and Cuba.  Within the U.S.-Cuba conflict, ongoing since 1959, the issue of Cuban migration, legal and illegal, to U.S. territory has always been a thorny one, full of subtleties and the source of numerous crises between the United States...  Read More.

Immigration Reform - Ency. of Contemporary American Social Issues(Vol. 3: Family and Society.)

Public opinion polls find widespread dissatisfaction with the “broken” U.S. immigration system, which admits an average of 1 million immigrants a year and several hundred thousand unauthorized foreigners. Congress has debated comprehensive immigration reform for a decade...  Read More.

Immigration and Employment Law Enforcement - Encyclopedia of Contemporary American Social Issues(Vol. 2: Criminal Justice.)

Although most people understand the contributions immigrants make to the U.S. culture and economy, a much-contended issue is that of illegal immigration and what to do about it. Associated with legal and illegal immigration are the issues of employment, as this is the preferred way for most people to make a living... Read More.

Immigration, Ethical and Health Issues of Citation Metadata - Ency. of Bioethics(Vol. 3. 3rd ed.)

As of March 2000 it was estimated that approximately 10.4 percent of the United States population, or 28.4 million individuals, were immigrants. Prior to 1965 the majority of immigrants came from European countries, such as the United Kingdom, Greece, Poland, Portugal, Germany, and Ireland... Read More.

Undocumented Migrant Farm Workers - Human and Civil Rights: Essential Primary Sources

Over thirty-five million new immigrants entered the United States in the four decades after the Immigration Act of 1965 reformed the immigration process. The new law abolished the discriminatory quota based on national origins that had governed immigration policy since the 1920s...   Read More.