Use the links below to quickly find secondary sources on Criminal Law and Procedure (including capital punishment topics) on LexisNexis, Westlaw, or Bloomberg. Valid login credentials and a current subscription are required, but much of the content is also duplicated at HeinOnline.
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HeinOnline is accessible through our alphabetical list of Law Library databases at, but Barry Law students, faculty, staff, and alumni still need to log into the Barry intranet in order to access it.
From off campus, to access many Law Library databases, all users will be prompted to log in with your Barry username (the prefix of your e-mail address) and password. Then, you can access HeinOnline from the Databases page on the Law Library website.
From here, if you know the citation of an article, you can just enter it in Blue Book format by clicking on the "Citation Navigator" tab near the top left.
If you need to search for keywords or anything else (which is how you’ll probably conduct your searches), click the “Search” tab near the top left, and select “Advanced Search,” which gives you more options than the default Search option.
Now you can search for keywords (like whaling or "sea piracy") in an article title or in the main text or any combinations thereof.
We always suggest starting out searching by article title instead of text, because if the key words you’re interested in is in the title, chances are that article is going to be on point.
We also prefer to sort by “Volume Date Descending” so the results are displayed in reverse chronological order, with the most recent ones at the top of the list.
Once you find the article you want, you can navigate through it one page at a time, or download or print it in PDF format.
If you ever need any additional help with HeinOnline, just ask any of the Reference Librarians or e-mail, and we will be happy to help you further. We feel really strongly about this resource, and consider it one of the best in our collection.
If you don’t get ideal results right away, don’t panic! So much of research (online and otherwise) is trial and error, trying to get that perfect combination of search terms.