Search for articles from other academic disciplines by using some of the databases available at the Barry Main Library website.
Databases like Academic OneFile, Academic Search Complete, and ProQuest Central will let you find journal articles from other academic disciplines.
Legal Resource Index
The Legal Resource Index is a resource in Westlaw that helps you find law review articles about a topic. If you have a topic, try using the index to point you in the right direction.
Once you find some good articles you can search for them on Westlaw or Lexis, or go to HeinOnline.
HeinOnline is the Law Library's collection of law journals. Instead of keeping them in print on the library shelves, the library keeps them in this digital collection. Get to HeinOnline from the Law Library Databases page at If you are asked to log in, use the user name part of your Barry email and the same password you use to log into other Barry resources.
Once you are logged in, you can search in the Law Journal Library for articles using the citation, article name, author, or any keywords. HeinOnline has law journals going back to the first volume, no matter how old, but it may not have the latest issues.