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Norma C. Lang Papers: Container List

Container list

Series I: Personal materials

Biographical information

Correspondence, 1957-1989

Curriculum Vitae, 1993

NASW 1961-1966

University of Toronto, Transcripts, 1965


Awards & Recognitions

University of Toronto Retirement Service Award, 1992 May

Certificate to Norma Lang in appreciation of her distinguished service and contribution within the community of Social Work, 1992 Oct.

[Diploma] Bachelor of Social Work, University of Toronto, 1951 Jun. OVERSIZE

[Diploma] Master of Social Work, University of Toronto, 1955 Nov. OVERSIZE

[Plaque] Recognition of “Teaching Excellence” from the Faculty and Social Work students, 1992

Reception to Honour Dr. NL on the occasion of her retirement, 1992 June

A Tribute to Norma Lang AASWG Symposium 2000


Series II: works

Sub-Series A: Works by NCL

A broad-range of Practice in the Social Work Group 1970

A Broad-Range Model of Practice in the Social Work Group, 1972

           In: The Social Service Review, v.46, no.1 (Marc. 1972)

A comparative examination of therapeutic uses of groups in social work and in adjacent human service professions: part I – the literature from 1955-1968, 1979?

A comparative examination of therapeutic uses of groups in social work and in adjacent human service professions: part I – the literature from 1955-1968

           In: Social Work with Groups, v.2, no.2 (Summer 1979)

A comparative examination of therapeutic uses of groups in social work and in adjacent human service professions: part II – the literature from 1969-1978, 1979

A comparative examination of therapeutic uses of groups in social work and in adjacent human service professions: part II – the literature from 1969-1978

           In: Social Work with Groups, v.2, no.3 (Fall 1979)

Concurrent Interventions in Multiple Domains: the Essence of Social Work with Groups.

           In: Social Work with Groups, v.27, no.1 (2004). Available online at:,%202005_%20concurrent%20interventions%20in%20multiple%20domains_%20the%20essence%20of%20social%20work%20with%20groups.pdf

An experiential methodology, using the Classroom Group in teaching qualitative research methods, n.d.

The Group as a Unit for social work practice, chapter II

Linking Practice Theory with the Actualities of Group Life and Worker Intervention in Social Work with Groups November 22, 1980

A Method of Linking Practice Theory with the actualities of group interaction and worker intervention in Social Work, 1980

The Nature of Influence: an interaction process: Social Psychological Concepts Relevant to Social Work, n.d.

The Nature of the Social Work Group 1965

The Place of group autonomy in Social Work Groups / co. Elizabeth Lewis, 1987

The Role of the Change Agent in Planned Organizational Change, n.d.

A selection of the group form for service delivery: an exploration of the literature on group use in Social Work / co. Dr. Margaret E. Hartford, 1969

A selection of the group form for service delivery: an exploration of the literature on group use in Social Work / co. Dr. Margaret E. Hartford, 1975

The selection of the small group for service delivery.

            In: Social Work with Groups, vo.13, no.3 (Fall 1978)

Social Work Practice in small social forms: identifying collectivity, 1987

Social Work Practice in small social forms: some unacknowledged entities (Paper prepared for presentation at the Third Annual Symposium on Social Work, Hartford, CT), 1981

Some defining characteristics of the social work group: unique social form, 1979

Summary of the Group Dynamics Course


Sub-Series A: School Papers by NCL

[Outline for research projects], 1951-52

Analysis of Committee of Teen Timers Club, 1951

Applicability of case work techniques in the field of Group Work, n.d.

An application of two personality theories 1968

The Arnold case: what his problem is…, 1952

Common factors producing indigenous leadership [Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of M.S.W.], 1955 Aug.

The community of Toronto: a study of needs and services, n.d.

Conceptions of Teaching in Education and Social Work March 10, 1969

Dynamic Administration in Social Work, 1950

Evaluation of Thesis by Blackburn and McGrath “One  hundred graduates of Browmanville Training School,” 1952

A Fourth Model of Social Group Work: A Model from Practice, 1967

Jerry’s problem, 1952

Mercer Reformatory, 1952

A Model of teaching derived from the classroom May 30, 1969

PhD Research study, 1971

Psychiatry and Social Group Work, 1951

The role of the Executive, 1952

A small professionalized Organizational form: an Exploration of Its Nature and Its Rationalization 1969

The Snow Queen and the Bobbysocksers, 1951

Social worker actions in response to group conditions representing three group forms. PhD dissertation, 1972

Therapeutic uses of Groups, 1969

What I have learned about helping people, 1952

Why the Schedule is preferable to the Questionnaire in surveying the Recreational needs of the aged, 1951


Sub-Series : Teaching

Chase, S.; Schnurr, S. A Handbook for beginning practitioners on how to start a group, 1980 Dec.

Field practicum manual, 1991

The funday group, 1962?

Home, A.M. Change in women’s consciousness-raising groups: a study of four types of change and of some factors associated with them, 1978

Outline for research prospectus, 1961-1980

Sullivan, N. Proposal for comprehensive paper [submitted to Dr. N. Lang], 1992 Jun.

-------. Toward a “family-like” conceptualization of group in social work: seeing the “group-like” features in family, 1993 Feb.

SWK 4602, University of Toronto, Faculty of Social Work, n.d.

SWK 4602, University of Toronto, 1990 Fall


Sub-Series C: Works by others

Allen-Meares, P.; Lane, B.A. Social work practice: integrating qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques.

             In: Social Work, v.35, no.5 (Sept. 1990)

Anatomy of research, 1973

Andrews, J.  The Legacy of Ruby Parnell and Social Group Work, 2001 Oct.

Bassoff, B.Z. Putting the plan to work, 1962 Jan. GWP

Beckerman, A.H. Practitioner-research: theoretical orientation and casebook: draft, 1979

Beckerman, A.H. Practitioner-research: the experiment continue, 1989

Bernstein, S. Groups and group work, n.d.

-------. Group supervision of social work students, 1962

Bundy , R.W. The Learning Process in Field Work for first-year students in groups, 1950

Byles, J. Creative Arts: Bibliography and Supply List

           See S.W. 142 Creative Arts, 1961-62

-------. General organization of programme for various age levels…

           See S.W. 142 Use of Program Content in Group Work

Coyle, G.A. Concepts relevant to helping the family as a group

            In: Social Casework, v. 43, no.7 (July 1962)

-------. New insights available to the social worker from the social sciences, v.26, no.3 (Sep. 1952)

-------. Some basic assumptions about social group work, 1957 GWP

-------. A study of group process, 1961. GWP

Faculty expectations for the beginning social group worker in direct service to group, 1960? GWP

Falck, H.S. Social group work and planned change, 1964

-------. The use of groups in the practice of social work

            In: Social Casework, (Feb. 1963)

Farina, J. General organization of programme for various age levels…

           See S.W. 142 Use of Program Content in Group Work

Feil, N.W. Group therapy in a home for the aged.

          In: The Gerontologist, v.7, no.3 (Sep. 1967)

Field Work Instructors’ Institute on Teaching Methods in Field Work 1962

Fisher, R. Social group work in group service agencies, 1959 GWP

Games from Creative Arts 1957-1958

Garland, J.A., Jones H.E., Kolodny, R.L. A model for stages of development in social work group.

          In: Explorations in Group Work, 1965

Gold, B.H.; Pins, A.M. Effective preparation for Jewish community center work.

          In: Journal of Jewish Communal Service, v.39, no.2 (Winter 1962) GWP

Hartford, M.E. Curriculum sequence for the preparation of social workers competent to practice with people in groups or Social Group Work Practice: [study program], 1967

-------. Curriculum sequence for the preparation of social workers competent to practice with people in groups or Social Group Work Practice, 1968

-------. Effecting Value Change in Race Relations through Group Service Agencies 1965

           In: Social work Practice, 1965

-------. Frame of reference for social group work, 1963 GWP

-------. Methods of teaching group work in an integrated social work curriculum, 1959

-------. Social group work 1930 to 1960, the search for a definition [draft], n.d. GWP

-------. Teaching methodology for the preparation of social workers for the future, 1972

-------. Use of group Methods in Social Work Practice with Emphasis on the group, n.d.

-------. Use of Social Group Work method in helping members accept differences [corrected], 1964 GWP

-------. Use of Social Group Work in helping members accept differences, 1964

           In: Social Work Practice, 1964

How recreation service helps in the development of healthy personalities, 1957

           In: Recreation and informal Education Service by Gertrude Wilson, 1951

Jones, H.E.

          See Garland, J.A. A model for stages…

Katz, G. Group assertiveness training with psychiatric inpatients, 1982

Klein, A.F. Current development in social work group, n.d. GWP

Kolody, R.L.

         See Garland, J.A. A model for stages…

Konopka , G. The Generic and the Specific in Group Work Practice in the Psychiatric Setting, n.d.

-------. Group work in psychiatric settings, 1961

-------. Social group work and mental health, 1957

Krehm, I. Folk Dance Leadership Course 1964

-------. Use of Dancing in Social group work practices

         See S.W. 142 Creative Arts

Latimer, E.A. The value component in the everyday life of social services delivery: a beginning phase, 1978

Lazarsfeld, P.; Barton, A. Qualitative measurement in the social sciences: classification, typologies and indices.

          In: The policy sciences. Stanford, Cal.: Stanford University Press, 1951

Leadership in a Democracy

         In: The journal of educational sociology, v.17, no.7 (March 1944)

Lewis, E. Practice with Task and Action Groups Readings (1), 1972-1973

Lewis, E. Social group work in the administration of group services, or, The “Rarely” group worker, n.d. GWP

McBroom, Elizabeth. Helping AFDC families: a comparative study

         In: Social Service Review, Dec. 1965

McBroom, Elizabeth. The socialization of parents, 1967

Middleman, R.R. Constructivism, power and social work with groups, n.d.

        See Wood, G.G.

-------. The issue (s) of group work: groupness, 1986

-------. Skills for working with groups at the group level, 1989

Morgan, J.S. Writing some notes on written work compiled for the use of students, 1948

Perlman, H.H.  --- And gladly teach

         In: Education for social work (Spring 1967)

Pins, A.M. Effective preparation for Jewish community center work

         See Gold, B.H.

Robinson, J.F. Behavioral categories = Patterns of defense, n.d.

Ryland, G. Factors to be considered in joint planning for program by public and voluntary agencies,  1962

-------. The family as a Unit of Service

         See Wilson, G., 1964

-------. Major characteristics of social classes in American society

         See Wilson, G.1954

Schwartz, W. The social worker in the group, 1959 GWP

Seguin, M.M. Social group worker as key figure in the group service agency, 1959 GWP

Shapiro, B.Z. Grace Longwell Coyle: contributions to the Philosophy and practice of Social work, 1965

Steinberg, B. Music in groups

         See S.W. 142 Use of Program Content in Group Work: Music in Groups, 1960

S.W. 142 Creative Arts: Bibliography and supply list by J. Byles, 1961-62

S.W. 142 Creative Arts: Use of Dancing in Social Group Work Practice by Mrs. Ivy Krehm, 1961

S.W. 142 Use of Program Content in Group Work: General organization of programme for various age levels on the playground by J. Farina and J. Byles, 1959

S.W. 142 Use of Program Content in Group Work: Music in Groups by B. Steinberg, 1960

Theory building in social group work, 1960

The Village news, 1963

Vinter, R.D. Client affiliations outside the Treatment Group, 1963

The warmups manual, 1983

Wilson, G. The family as a unit of service, 1964

-------. The implications of current trends toward integration in the behavioral sciences for the practice of social work, 1961

-------. Inter-agency referrals (UC. School of Social Work. Certificate program in the Social Services), 1954

-------. Major characteristics of social classes in American society and their implications to the practice of social group work, 1954

-------. The practice of social group work: summary of the report, 1956

-------. Retooling – regearing our services to groups, 1962?

-------. Responsibility for community problem solving, 1964

-------. The significance of small groups, 1962

-------. Social group work theory and practice viewed against new trends and developments, n.d.

-------. The social group worker in public recreation, 1955

-------. The use of group methods in the practice of social casework, n.d.

Witt, J.; Campbell, M.; Witt, P. A Manual of therapeutic group activities for leisure education, 1974

Wood, G.G., Middleman, R. Constructivism, power and social work with groups, n.d.

Working papers toward a frame of reference for social group work, 1964


Series III: Social Work Group Practice

Drawings, 1963

EDC’s writings, 1963

Exercise in Skill of Composing Groups, n.d.

Folio of designs, n.d.??

Group work practice to advance social competence by Norma Lang: Publicity

The Hartley-Salmon Child Guidance Clinic Fact Sheet 1962

Illustrations, 1963

Notes ms, n.d.

Norma Lang and Betty Lewis discussion on group autonomy (Cassette), 1987 Feb.

Norma Lang and Betty Lewis discussion on group autonomy (Cassette), 1986 Apr.

Presentation to Pat Slate’s class research (cassette), 1987

Tie Dying Sample, n.d.


Series IV: Photographs

Pictures, n.d.

Portrait, n.d.

Portraits - oversize

Pictures of the Reception to honor Dr. Norma Lang on her Retirement June 24, 1992

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Jasmine Otero