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John F. Kennedy Collection: Bibliographical resources



A Tribute to John F. Kennedy (A Laurel edition)

Four Dark Days in History: November 22, 23, 24, 25, 1963.

Bibliography (Books accompanying the collection)

Abel, Elie. The Missile Crisis. New York, N.Y.: Bantam Books, 1966

Adler, Bill. (ed.). The Kennedy Wit. New York, N.Y.: Bantam Books, c1964

Adler, Bill. (ed.). More Kennedy Wit. New York, N.Y.: Bantam Books, 1965 (Paper Back)

Adler, Bill. (ed.) More Kennedy Wit. New York, N.Y.: Citadel Press, 1965 (Hard Cover)

Adler, Bill. (ed.). New day: Robert F. Kennedy. New York: New American Library, 1968

Amrine, Michael. This awesome challenge. New York: Popular Library, 1964

Bishop, Jim. Day Kennedy Was Shot. New York, N.Y.: Bantam Books, 1968

Carpozi, George, Jr. The Hidden Side of Jacqueline Kennedy. New, York, N.Y.: Pyramid Books, 1967

1960 Democratic Fact Book. Washington D.C.: Democratic National Committee, 1960

Dobbins, James J. Dobbins’ diary of the new frontier. Boston: Bruce Humphriers, c1964

Donovan, Robert J. PT 109: John F. Kennedy in World War II. New York, N.Y.: Fawcett World Library, c1961

Epstein, Edward J. Inquest: the Warren Commission and the establishment of truth. New York: Bantam Books, 1966

Fay, Paul B. Jr. The Pleasure of His Company. New York, N.Y.: Harper & Row, c1966

Fay, Paul B. Jr. The Pleasure of His Company. New York, N.Y.: Dell Books, 1967 (2 c.)

Four dark days in history, November 22, 23, 24, 25, 1963. Los Angeles: Special Publications, c1963

Gardner, Gerald. More Who’s in Charge Here?. New York, N.Y.: Pocket Books, c1962

Goldman, J. Alex. (ed.). The Quotable Kennedy. New York City, N.Y.: Belmont Books, 1967

Hall, Sue G. (ed.). The spirit of Robert F. Kennedy. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, c1968

Heller, D., Heller, David. Jacqueline Kennedy. Derby, Conn: Monarch Books, 1963.

Hirsch, Phil; Hymoff, Edward. (ed.). The Kennedy courage. New York: Pyramid Books, 1965

Hoops, Roy. A memorial edition of what the President does all day. New York : Dell Publishing, 1964

Jacobs, Jay. RFK His Life and Death. New York, N.Y.: dell publishing, 1968.

JFK What Does History Say Now?. Glendale, Calif. : Collectors Publications, 1965

John F. Kennedy Memorial. New York. MacFadden Books, 1964

Lane, Mark. Rush to Judgement. New York, N.Y.: Fawcett World Library, 1967

Lasky, Victor. J.F.K.: the man & the myth. New York: Macmillan Co., c1963

Lee, Bruce. JFK: Boyhood to White House. New York, N.Y.: Fawcett World Library, 1964

Lincoln, Evelyn. My Twelve Years with John F. Kennedy. New York, N.Y.: Bantam Books, 1966

Manchester, William. The Death of a President.  New York, N.Y.: Harper and Row, c1967

Manchester, William. Portrait of a President. New York, N.Y.: Macfadden Books, c1962

Miers, Earl S. The story of John F. Kennedy. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, c1964

Montgomery, Ruth. A Gift Prohpecy: the Phenomenal Jeane Dixon. New York, N.Y.: Bantam Books, c1966

Nevis, Allan. (ed.). John F. Kennedy: the burden and the glory. New York: Popular Library, 1964.

Nicholas, William. The Bobby Kennedy Nobody Knows. Greenwich, Conn: Fawcett Publications, 1967

Noyes, Peter. Legacy of Doubt.  New York, N.Y.: Pinnacle Books, 1973

O’Donnell, K., McCarthy, Joe, Powers, D. Johnny We Hardly Knew Ye. New York: Pocket Books, 1972

Pett, Saul [et al.]. Torch is passed. USA: Associated Press, c1963

Profiles in courage: John F. Kennedy. New York: Pocket Books, c1956

Raymond, John. Memorial to Greatness. New York: Aspen Corp Island Park 1964

Report of the Warren Commission on the assassination of President Kennedy. New York. Bantam Books, 1964.

Roberts, Charles. The truth about the assassination. New York. Grosset & Dunlap, c1967

Ross, Douglas. Robert F. Kennedy: apostle of change. New York : Pocket Books, 1968.

Salinger, Pierre; Vanocur, Sander. (ed.). A Tribute to John F. Kennedy. New York, N.Y.: Dell Publishing Co., c1964

Schlesinger, Arthur M, A thousand days: John Kennedy in the White House. New York: Fawcett Crest Book, 1967

Shaw, Maud. White House nannie: my years with Caroline and John Kennedy, Jr. New York: New American Library, 1966

Sorensen, Theodore. Kennedy. New York, N.Y.: Bantam Books, 1965

Sorensen, Theodore. The Kennedy Legacy. New York, N.Y.: New American Library, 1969

There was a President. New York: Random House, c1966

Very important person desk diary, 1964. New York: price/Stern/Sloan, c1963

Weisberg, Harold. Photographic whitewash: suppressed Kennedy assassination pictures. Hyattstown, Md.: Harold Weisberg, c1967

Weisberg, Harold. Whitewash: the report on the Warren report. New York: Dell. Publishing, 1966

White, Theodore. The Making of the President 1960. New York, N.Y.: New American Library, 1967



JFK, 1963-1970     (Drawer 1-E)

American Legion: Jun. 1965; Nov. 1965; Mar. 1967

Argos              : Jul. 1967; Sep. 1967

Assessination of a President (Reprint. From the New York Times, Nov. 23-28, 1963)

Berliner illustrirte

Coronet           : Nov. 1965

Cosmopolitan  : Feb. 1967

Democratic digest: May 1960

Good housekeeping: Aug. 1966; Sep. 1966

Life                 : Nov. 29, 1963; Dec. 6, 1963; Sp. Edition 1963; Oct. 2, 1964; Jul. 16, 1965; Jul. 23, 1965; Jul. 30, 1965; Nov. 5, 1965; Nov. 12, 1965; Nov. 19, 1965; Nov. 25, 1966; Nov. 24, 1967; Aug. 7, 1970

Look                : Sp. Edition 1963; Dec. 3 1963; Dec. 31, 1963; Sp. Edition 1964; Feb. 25, 1964; Aug. 10, 1965; Aug. 24, 1965; Sep. 7, 1965; Sep. 21, 1965; Oct. 19, 1965; Jul. 12, 1966; Nov. 29, 1966; Jan. 24, 1967; Feb. 7, 1967; Feb.21, 1967; Mar. 7, 1967; Apr. 4, 1967; Oct. 17, 1967; Apr. 2, 1968

McCall’s          : Jun. 1967

Newsweek      : Jan. 30, 1967; May 15, 1967; Dec. 29, 1969

Pageant           : Dec. 1965

Popular photography: Nov. 1967

Post                 : Dec. 14, 1963; Oct. 3, 1964; Nov. 21, 1964; Aug. 14, 1965; Aug. 28, 1965; Jan. 14, 1967; May 6, 1967; Dec. 2, 1967; Apr. 6, 1968

Readers’ Digest: Mar. 1963

Saga                : Apr. 1967

Time                : Dec. 6, 1963

U.S. News & world report: Jan. 14, 1963; Jan. 21, 1963; Feb. 18, 1963

Washington world: Oct. 2, 1962; Oct. 19, 1962; Oct. 26, 1962


JFK – Family: Jackie Kennedy, 1964-1971 (Drawer 2-B)

Inside movie: Jul. 1966

Jacqueline Kennedy, woman of valor: 1964

Journal: Mar. 1967; Mar. 1969; Jul. 1969; Aug. 1969

Life: May 6, 1966

Look: Jan. 28, 1964

McCall’s: Dec. 1967; Mar. 1971

Modern screen: Mar. 1970

Motion picture: Jul. 1966; Feb. 1970; Apr. 1971

Movie mirror: Feb. 1970

Movie stars: Nov. 1969; Dec. 1969

Movie TV secrets : Jun. 1971

Newsweek: Jan. 2, 1967

Photo play: May 1971

Post: Mar. 1967

Time: Dec. 23, 1966

Tribute to courage: Jacqueline Kennedy: 1964

TV and movie screen: Jul. 1969

TV radio mirror: Jan. 1970

TV star parade: Dec. 1969


JFK – Family: Children, 1965 (Drawer 2-C)

Journal             : Dec. 1965; Jan. 1966


JFK – Family: Edward and Robert Kennedy, 1965-1971 (Drawer 2-C)

Inquest               : 1970

Life                     : Sp. Edition 1968; Jan. 10, 1969; Feb. 12, 1971

Look                   : Sp. Edition 1968; Oct. 15, 1968

McCall’s               : Nov. 1968

Motion Picture      : Oct. 1969, May 1971

Post                   : Jun. 5, 1965; Jun. 1, 1968

Time                  : Jan. 10, 1969

TV Star Parade    :  Feb 1970


Johnson, Lyndon, 1963-1967 (Drawer 2-C)

Alumnus          : Aug. 1964

Esquire            : Nov. 1965

Life                 : Dec. 13, 1963; Aug. 6, 1965; Sep. 24, 1965; Oct. 15, 1965

Time                : Feb. 24, 1967

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Jasmine Otero