Over the centuries, people have thought of mathematics, and have defined it, in many different ways. Mathematics is constantly developing, and yet the mathematics of 2,000 years ago in Greece and of 4,000 years ago in Babylonia would look familiar to a student of the twenty-first century....Read More.
Philosophy of mathematics is a broad term including any theory on the nature of mathematics as a whole or on the nature of any part or aspect of mathematics. A specialized branch of learning, it deals with the following and related topics: the origin of mathematical knowledge and its relation to the real world; the nature and type of existence peculiar to mathematical entities ...Read More.
Mathematics is the study of relationships among and operations on abstract objects that obey definite rules, including numbers, variables, functions, rules, spaces, shapes, and sets. In its ancient origins, mathematics was concerned solely with numbers and geometry (the properties of definite shapes), which arose from measurable and countable phenomena and could, in part, be applied directly to business....Read More.
Computer science is often defined as "the systematic study of algorithmic processes, their theory, design, analysis, implementation and application." An algorithm is a precise method usable by a computer for the solution of a problem. The term algorithm comes from the last name of a Persian author, Abu Ja'far Mohammed ibn Musa ...Read More.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that seeks to build machines that carry out tasks which, when performed by humans, require intelligence. AI techniques made possible some self-guided navigation by the twin Mars Exploration Rovers (on Mars since early 2004), allowing the robot rovers to explore more of Mars than if they were steered entirely by commands radioed from Earth...Read More.
First emerging as an academic discipline in the 1960s, information science is the field of knowledge concerned with the storage, organization, search, and retrieval of information stored in all kinds of documents, including computer records. Because of the information explosion of the twentieth century, including millions of printed books, newspapers, and articles as well as trillions of terabytes on the Internet,..Read More.
Earlier this month, New York City public schools blocked access to the popular artificial intelligence tool ChatGPT. Educators are concerned that students could use this technology to write papers – the tool wasn't even a month old when a college professor in South Carolina caught a student using it to write an essay in philosophy class. Darren Hick of Furman University joins John Yang to discuss....View Video.