Longitudinal studies will assess multiple traumas and resilience. PTSD may be influenced by experiences prior to deployment. View Video.
When divorce cannot be avoided, finding a support group, therapist, or talking to an understanding adult helps children work through their feelings of anger, sadness, loneliness and guilt. View Video.
A family violence problem of epidemic proportions lurks behind closed doors. Discover how domestic violence impacts everyone in a family and what is being done to assist those who suffer domestic abuse. View Video.
Resilience is the ability to cope with life's challenges, setbacks, stress, and trauma. If one maintains hope, it is possible to survive difficulties and emerge as a stronger person. View Video.
Joan Erikson says resilience is the most important quality during the change to the eighth stage of the life cycle. She suggests learning something new. View Video.
Forensic psychology is the study of psychology within the confines of the law. Psychometric instruments are used to help determine a person's ability and personality. View Video.