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Caste and Inherited Status (Encyclopedia of Sociology)

The study of social inequalities is one of the most important areas of sociology as inequalities in property, power, and prestige have long-term consequences on access to the basic necessities of life.  Read More.

Inequality (Encyclopedia of Aging)

Social inequality encompasses relatively long-lasting differences between groups of people and has considerable implications for individuals, especially "for the rights or opportunities they exercise and the rewards or privileges they enjoy".... Read More.

Poverty and Health (Encyclopedia of Public Health)

People with low incomes, particularly those who live in poverty, face particular challenges in maintaining their health. They are more likely than those with higher incomes to become ill, and to die at younger ages. They are also more likely to live in poor...Read More.

Poverty (United States) - ( Encyclopedia of Social Welfare History in North America)

Poverty is generally understood as deprivation in some dimensions of human well-being. There are, however, varied conceptions of deprivation and well-being that influence how the poor are identified and the actions taken by the government to alleviate...Read More.

Race, Ethnicity & Income Inequality (Prejudice, Bias & Discrimination)

It is a fact of American life that income is not distributed evenly. Along with sex, race and ethnicity are key determinates in income distribution. A myriad of reasons are presented to explain this phenomenon. Many sociologists look to historic patterns of...Read More.

Social Stratification (Encyclopedia of Sociology)

In all complex societies, the total stock of valued resources is distributed unequally, with the most privileged individuals and families receiving a disproportionate share of power, prestige, and other valued resources. The term "stratification system...Read More.

Stratification (Encyclopedia of Social Theory)

Stratification describes the differential arrangement of persons or positions within a society. The term can also be used to refer to the hierarchical ordering of societies or other macrolevel entities.  Read More.

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