For many criminologists, you can't explain crime just by looking at the characteristics offenders, you also have to consider the role social, cultural & environmental influences. This film brilliantly captures the essence of three of the major social... View Video.
This program offers a brief history of U.S. criminal justice. It covers such topics as criminal justice in colonial America, the Quakers’ penitentiary, and the development of criminology. The program explains the organization of the U.S. of the ... View Video.
This program traces the history of world criminal justice from the Code of Hammurabi, through ancient Greece and Rome, to the Middle Ages. It covers such topics as criminal justice in India, China, Japan, and the Middle East; English debtors’ ... View Video.
This program is geared to students just starting out in sociology and sets out to make the subject more accessible by illustrating what's meant by a sociological problem, culture, socialization and identity... View Video.
Stereotypes tell us it’s easy to spot the homeless—after all, life on the street tends to leave a mark on people. But is a “homeless profile” really meaningful? In today’s economy a man in a business suit might well be living in his car; ... View Video.
Sociology is the study of individual actions in terms of the wider society as a whole. View Video.
This program traces the history of sociology through the works of such thinkers as Comte, Marx, Weber, and Mead. It covers major sociological movements and features leading sociologists discussing contemporary social challenges. View Video.
Sociology, in a nutshell, is about why people behave in the ways that they do, and the key premise is that behavior is shaped by the contexts in which people live. Filmed in Britain and New Guinea, this multi-segment program introduces... View Video.