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CS-395-01- Research: Professor R. Jimenez: eVideos

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Artificial Intelligence Segment 3 of 11 (07:35)

Marvin Lee Minsky and John McCarthy help develop the concept of AI in 1956. Today, AI is an integral part of many companies, including Facebook. Yann LeCun discusses the goal of FAIR; image recognition programs undergo deep... Other Segments.

CyberSecurity Full Video (20:52)

The Internet offers vast possibilities for learning, making a living, and having fun—but it can also destroy reputations, empty bank accounts, and ruin lives. This program cautions students about potential hazards to their computers...View Video.

Drones of the Future Segment 11 (06:36)

Interview subjects give their final word and analysis of what the future will bring for drones and the societal consequences of the drone evolution...View Video.

Electric Automobiles Segment 2 (03:22)

Chris and Julie Ramsey drive the Mongol Rally route in an electric car, journeying 10,000 miles without producing emissions. Less than one percent of the world’s passenger vehicles run on electricity. Scotland aspires to...View Video.

NOVA: Great Electric Airplane Race Full Video (52:47)

Electric cars seem increasingly likely to replace our gas-guzzling vehicles. Could a new generation of emission-free electric planes do the same to the polluting airliners in our skies--a major step in the fight against climate change?.. View Video.

Technology and Food Production Segment 3 of 6 (06:10)

L I V I N Farms Founder Katharina Unger discusses insect protein powder entering resistant markets, analytics, and the waste stream. Farmacy HK Founder Sanford Liu discusses sustainable market solutions and business expansion...View Video.

Search for Videos in Kanopy

Artificial Intelligence: Episode 34 of Redefining Reality The Great Courses (mins)

Trace the evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) from simple calculating machines to computers that can vanquish chess masters. Learn the distinction between weak AI, such as a chess-playing machine, and strong AI, which is a machine that has a truly human-like mind. Question whether strong AI is even possible...Other Episodes.

Humanoid Robots: Just like Us? Episode 23 of Robotics The Great Courses (32 mins)

Have we reached the point where robots are becoming just like--if not better than--human beings? Probe this fascinating question by examining recent developments in artificial intelligence, robot bipedalism and dexterity...View Video.

Big Data-“They” Know Everything about You Episode 12 of Thinking about Cybersec.. (32 mins)

In the first of two episodes on personal data tracking and privacy, ponder the problem of "Big Data"--where your Internet searches can be tracked, your cellphone can broadcast your geographical location instantly, and your online purchases...View Video.