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Library Services and Resources for Distance Education Students: HELP

This LibGuide will provide valuable information on library services and resources available at the Monsignor William Barry Memorial Library


The Monsignor William Barry Memorial Library has several Librarians who are available to help.

Here are some of the ways your Librarian can assist with your library needs:

  • Teach you to quickly find information.
  • Information Literacy - is this a reliable source? What's a peer-reviewed article?
  • Research Instruction - individual, group, in-class.
  • Library guides for academic subject areas as well as for citing sources, test preparation, archives and special collections, career resources, and more.
  • Librarians continually evaluate the collection to keep resources current, relevant, and credible.

Reference Appointments

The Monsignor William Barry Memorial Library is pleased to offer a reference appointment services to our students.
Students may set up individual appointments with librarians in order to receive in-depth research assistance in the selection and use of books, databases and other library resources and services. Basic appointments can run 30 minutes to an hour. Appointments can be held via WebEx or Microsoft Teams, by phone, or email, however, we look forward to meeting with you personally.

Reference and Instructional Services

Contact Us

Remember! We are here to help. If you need any assistance with using the library and its resources, contact us for assistance.


Phone: 305-899-3760

Browse our subject guides:

Stop by! Campus Map

Ask a Librarian

AFTER HOURS assistance, use the statewide Ask-A-Librarian service.