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Free Legal Research Resources: Home

A collection of links to courts, Congress, forms, and other free legal and government information websites.


Barry Law Library Reference Librarians
Main Phone: (321) 206-5700
Schedule a Personal Research Consultation (PERC): 

Cynthia Barnes, JD
Reference Librarian
Assistant Professor of Law Library
(321) 206-5729

Kim Wilson, JD, MSIS
Reference Librarian
Assistant Professor of Law Library
(321) 206-5728


This research guide is designed to lead users to a variety of free legal research websites to find federal and Florida case law, statutes and legislation, administrative law, contact information for government agencies, and additional research resources.

None of these links and resources should be construed as receiving legal advice.  They are simply compiled here to point researchers in a number of useful directions.

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Advanced Search Strategies

The Advanced Search mode (see directly above) will give you more search options.

We recommend Keyword searching to start with, unless you have the specific title, author, or ISBN for a book.

Make sure the Collection and Location fields are set to Law Library if you just want books and materials in the Law Library in Orlando, unless you want to search Barry University's entire collection, including online materials.